Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are

I really enjoyed this book. I thought that kids would really love the made up animals and the mysterious world that Max traveled to. I am not sure why this book is considered controversial because I personally did not see anything in the book that I would considered to be controversial. I think that this book is a great potrayl of how the minds of kids work. I remember being young and pretending that I had traveled to a far away land with lots of different animals and lots of different people so I am not sure what the problem is with this book. To call a book like this controversial to me is to say that a child's imagination is also controversial.


  1. I have read this book and really enjoyed it. I agree with you on the fact that I do not find this a controversial book. The only part I could possibly see as controversial is the fact that the little boy goes to bed without supper because he was misbehaving. However, the boy comes home to supper that is still hot. I like and agree with your statement, “I think this book is a great portrayal of how the minds of kids work.” I think most children will enjoy the wild imagination of the child in this book. This book is a great way for children to use their own imagination. Where the Wild Things Are is a great children’s book that has remained to be one of the best picture books of all time!

  2. I thought everyone loved this book!! I know I did :) What exactly is the controversy about it? I mean, they made it into a movie.. it can't be that bad! I definitely agree with you.. I think children everywhere would love with book because it is something they can relate to, and it definitely portrays the way a child's imagination works. I read this book to the children at the daycare I work at ALL the time, and I've never had any problems with it.

  3. I agree with all of you that the controversy may be hard to find in this story. I, too, really enjoyed this book as a child, and i really liked reading it again. I am always fascinated by a child's imagination, and I think this is another great book that explores that, and lets the reader into the character's magical world.
    On the controversy topic, I read that the book might teach dark magic or that the boy should not be yelling at his mother. First of all, I don't think the book is about dark magic all since it is the character's imagination that we are exploring, and secondly, I think every kid gets frustrated with his/her parents at some point. Perhaps you could mention and discuss with your students alternative ways for dealing with frustration and parents. Otherwise, I think this book is great, and I'm glad it was read to me as a child.
