Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Daddy's Wedding

I thought that this book was very interesting. I can see why it is considered a controversial book because it is promoting the union of two people of the same sex and many people are not comfortable with things like that. I personally do not have a problem with the book, I actually think that it was a good idea. I think it is important for there to be books representative of all people. I also believe that this is a good idea for the kids who do have families who look like the one in the book. They will not feel like there family is completely weird or different and I think it will help to make them not feel alienated from the rest of their peers.


  1. I have not read this book but from your description of same sex marriage and the title and can instantly tell people would put this under the view of controversial. I agree with you that these books are a great way of helping children understand how other families work or to teach them about what it might mean to see two men together or two women together. In our society today they are going to be introduced to it sooner or later and its all most best to have it be sooner when they are able to learn from their parents. I may not use this in my classroom, but it would be a great tool for parents.

  2. Jasmyn- I completely agree with you that it is important for there to be books representative of all people, especially now since being gay is becoming more accepting and common, and same sex marriage is gradually getting legalized in states. The chances of us having a child of a gay couple could be pretty high in our future, and I think this is a great book to incorporate into the classroom so that other kids can see that this kind of marriage can be normal, and make the students with the gay parents feel comfortable and included in the classroom.
